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Re: The Rapture by Daniel Devoto

Posted: May 20, 2007, 08:48:46 PM
by doc
Whew. This story pakcs quite a punch, and neatly illustrates man's "blind injustice to his fellow man", to steal a phrase from Eric Bogle. The atmosphere was creepy and honest, and really drew me in.

Re: The Rapture by Daniel Devoto

Posted: May 21, 2007, 08:00:28 PM
by Robert_Moriyama
I don't think it matters what religion is practiced by the Stayed Behind population ... the point is that those whose identity depends on being (in this case literally) holier than someone else will turn on each other when there are no out-and-out Heathens to hate. (viz. Catholics and Protestants, Sunnis and Shiites, Sikhs and Hindus, Christians (mostly Catholics) and Muslims (any sect)).

The funny part is that the Stayed Behind Christians were presumably waiting for a non-technological departure from Earth (rising bodily into Heaven), failing to grasp that God Works In Mysterious Ways ... which may include enormous human-built starships. ;)

Robert M.

Re: The Rapture by Daniel Devoto

Posted: May 23, 2007, 09:30:40 PM
by kailhofer
As usual, I'm the stick in the mud, the odd man out.

I didn't really get into this story, but it doesn't fit into my narrow, writeligious world view, as Robert would probably put it. I admit this is a more literary than genre style, and as such would not be my bag.

I think it's hard to write a gripping or moving epistolary because the chronicle format keeps the reader at a bit of a distance. The main character can only be found out through their own words, so it takes a lot longer to identify with that character. Few people write about anything more than what was heard or seen, so the scene never became wholly concrete in my mind without that input.

Once she wrote about her feelings, about being small when embarrassed, she felt more like a real person to me, but not before then. In fact, when she talked about how she felt in relating with others or events, whether with Aaron or otherwise, was the only time she felt real to me.

I'm not totally against epistolaries. I think my favorite is the song Kilkelly Ireland, but it's emotion is carried by the voice of the singer and the music, which this story obviously doesn't have as options.

So, it's great that other people loved it, but it was not for me.
