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Re: Intelligent Drain-o by Rick Grehan

Posted: September 20, 2013, 09:36:10 PM
by kailhofer
For at least a couple days after reading this one in the slush pile, every time I heard a noise or thump somewhere, I said, "Coelacanth!" Once I explained it to one of my daughters, she thought it was pretty funny, too.

Re: Intelligent Drain-o by Rick Grehan

Posted: September 22, 2013, 04:49:03 PM
by Lester Curtis
Non-stop, rip-roaring fun! Great descriptions -- you can't not love a story with lines like
She had arrived at the living room's single la-z-boy recliner, and was lowering herself into it like a large piece of pneumatic equipment folding itself up.
Five stars! Thanks, Rick!

Re: Intelligent Drain-o by Rick Grehan

Posted: October 16, 2013, 01:02:14 PM
by Lester Curtis
Aren't you forgetting 'cyberpunk'?

I wish I could . . .