WI-zard by Lipinski

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Re: WI-zard by Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

thanks for commenting and reading rick, no matter how bright the sun, mankind is always followed by a shadow. thanks also for the inspiration.


Conceived...in the darkness of deceit; backseat, backdoor, back-of-the mind
To harbor and grow in a womb of situations, most to never see agreement
until what is,
must be.

All around a round body, firm breasts of sorts
Belly swollen, filled with red and black
what is

Suckled teats drip with past regrets under the guise of full potential;
now left to shrivel as what is

Story after story this cycle repeats
Worship of gods, of self; blinded by seeming aloofness until
what is


Deaths dark shadow, almost comforting to return to the blackness...
what is

For few though, few in spirit but filled in hollow shell of blackness, sinew, skin...
To shed a worldly skin of names endless; despertarse
now the bosom name reflected, a shadow no more
this obvious trail of light.
Master Critic
Posts: 3445
Joined: June 05, 2011, 02:05:03 AM

Re: WI-zard by Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

The mad hatter (conjunctive this hatter to hate?) Of course mercury fumes inhaled like a rich bouquet steeping the mind like Alice In Wonderlands world, though not in tea but flowers...It matters not to me as only the folly of mankind is/ just mad about their respective love of self, you see? Madly in love, mad about you, mad man, man made mad, bad...hate?

Zard. g-od of a mind made, realization of course when a mind is feeble, unable to see, to smell the bouquet, to work the brim of the hat as only hate is what they see; liquid metal to tell and make mad one when there is cold or heat.

Who is this Robin B. Lipinski, this R rick tornello, this Alice, this mad hatter if nothing but hate?

Ah, yes, zard, all hail Zard - is/just mad about their respective love of self, you see? Madly in love, mad about you mad man, man made bad,

about what is/just
this dark world of death and hate.
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