Hell-o-Weiner by Robin B. Lipinski

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Re: Hell-o-Weiner by Robin B. Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

Thank you kindly Eddie, it helps to be walking on the razors edge of sanity while carrying paper sack filled with life's onions in one hand and writing muse in the other.

Enjoyed your payment poem and the inspiration: Cinquain

State of Mind

glimmer so
ever so elusive
overrated ever so much
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Re: Hell-o-Weiner by Robin B. Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

Thanks Rick, and for the inspiration. Speaking of pork...

Long Pork

Lost between death and civilization, the Donner Party found itself hungry and in trouble.
Trouble is not so strange when so often times caught in the middle.
Pioneers were hungry and losing the stored fat they shared, in the middle,
no longer did the buxom women jiggle or the once fat men giggle when tickled in private far from the fire.

Wagon wheels frozen and buried in snow, along side the bodies dead after failing in life to cold and hunger
Only the fire was fed now, with wood; gluttonous flame illuminated the gaunt faces filled with gnawing hunger
Gnawing at the mind
Gnawing at the soul
a soul now frozen.

With a snap of the fingers and the first timid bite, it was found edible except for the bones and nails.
A gurgling resurgence of the stomach and the knives left their sheaths

Like pigs grunting for slop, nose down in the mud to feast, these ghouls were on all fours,
pawing for frozen bodies in the snow.

First there was Susan, the once vibrant young girl of twelve, now a meal for twenty.
Then there was Phil, Bob, and Mary,
such a wonderful frozen delicacy,
soon the roaring fire was dripping juices from meat while sizzling drops fell near the feasting feet.

February came as did outside relief and with canned beans and flour the rescued were asked,
"Are you hungry?"
Everyone smiled, one portly man even burped, and the leader said with a lustful gleam in his eye,
"No thanks, it is you that must be hungry and we have a fresh slab of hind ham cooking on the fire,
and you're just in time,
to eat..."
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Re: Hell-o-Weiner by Robin B. Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

Thanks Eddie, and now for a poem of view...

Youthful Cannibal

Ever watch youngsters much?

Little fingers buried deep into the nose looking for nuggets to munch.
Boogers: Some call it - crunchy, hard, stringy, soft...

Growing older the appetite changed.
Biting and eating finger and toe nails
and chewing hair, especially the females.

Still young the hormones rage and the hunger changes,
young men now crave and eat (censored)
young women nibble and eat (censored)

Starting to see the picture?

Growing old and filled with hunger
it would not take much
alone with another in the dark as the stomach rumbles...
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Re: Hell-o-Weiner by Robin B. Lipinski

Post by doc »

Lipinski wrote: Growing old and filled with hunger
it would not take much
alone with another in the dark as the stomach rumbles...
See, this is why you don't get asked to babysit...
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Re: Hell-o-Weiner by Robin B. Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

Thanks for reading doc, and of course, for the inspiration...
Hot Babysitter

Some collect stamps, putting little pieces of sticky paper in plastic folders.
Some collect parking tickets just to annoy those who care.
some collect sexual conquests while trying to escape catching STD's.

Tommy collected bugs and kept them in a jar,
growing older the collection turned into frogs and lizards
then birds, bats, puppies, kittens...

Tommy had nice parents, his father collected stamps, his mother, parking tickets
Tommy's collection of fauna soon became forgotten when he grew up and moved away from home,
getting himself married with two and half children
and the desire for another collection.

Thirteen to eighteen years old, there were so many beautiful girls
coming into his home where they watched his children
while he watched them move with their sultry ways and chewing gum.

Every collection comes to an end and in Tommy's case the police were heard to question,
"What the hell was wrong with that man?"

Babysitters came and stayed,
Tommy tied them to chairs and with a magnifying lens amplified the sun on their fair skin
until ignition.

Screams filled the room but Tommy didn't care, much like those earlier creatures he tortured
it was just a part of his life.

Piled high into a corner of the remote family barn, police found Tommy's collection.
Girl after girl, charred and burned but as for Tommy, he was gone.

Gone, as if the wind, to start a new collection with the world his big jar and a flame in his hand.
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Re: Hell-o-Weiner by Robin B. Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

Thanks Eddie, and for the inspiration.
The following post is a bit different, more a short story but with a poetic finish.
Better one person enjoy reading it on this forum than to have 100 publishers and literary agents reject it without even reading the first ten words...
Dance of the Ants
By: A messed up person aka. Robin

A proud land filled with a code adhered to by over a million people. Native people going by the tribal names of Cree, Blackfoot, Flathead...People of the land who lived on and with the land, worshiping as one, the Great Spirit.

The Spaniards came bearing greed and gifts, searching for gold and leaving a beast called, horse. This is when the people changed. Lured by the beads, the mirror, the horse, the drink, and then the floodgates opened as the Europeans came, laden with the flu virus, the cold virus, the small pox, the disease.

People of the land who lived on and with the land; died. They died by the thousands and they changed.

Flash back to your old days of evolving DNA, mutations based on environmental change. Whites became black under the African sun while Asians crossing into what is now known as the North America's became the People of the land.

Europeans suffered the Black Plague and died by the thousands as the reaper of death passed in shadow through the cities and villages. They warred as they always have, and so too, their DNA.

War: War against the people, war against the land, and for all the DNA, changed...

Spanish flu, SAR's, Legionnaires disease, a DNA at war, or is it evolutionary change?

Thomas Duncan, just another name, one of many, one of Africa, where the source of all the people came. He got sick with a disease called, Ebola, a relatively new disease evolved in Africa, and with this new disease now old for Africa to the world of the, People of the land, he came.

He came to America while others went to Europe, a revenge in reverse dealing with the DNA and disease to infect new people, new DNA, new mutations, or is it as it all seems?

Duncan was a sick man, virulent, filled with sickness and as with sickness he vomited upon the asphalt, a pavement covering the land, the land where people once lived on and with the land. The vomit was rich with disease and with food and potential for those living on and with the land, only not people.

Ants, the common black ant searching the world of man for sustenance, for food, as the ant lived on the land and on the waste of people. Be it crumbs of a picnic, a discarded chocolate bar, or vomit from sick people, the ants thrived.

A feast! This troupe of ants discovered Duncan's sickness was ample, close to the home, and one after the other, they fed.

Later that day and into the night, those creatures living off of the land, fed. The birds spied and ate many of the ants, as did those other animals who ate other animals, shared this new opportunity for the mutating disease...

That is history though, back a couple of years when the world was filled with people. People who once lived on and with the land. Now the land today has changed.

No longer were there many people or many mammals, but what there were had changed. Now the few that survived had changed. They now lived on and with the land, while all around the world the ants danced.
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