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Open call for submissions, theme, Hero & Heroine

Posted: December 16, 2015, 06:04:20 PM
by Lester Curtis
I learned of this from the OWW email list.
Misque Press will be publishing Hero & Heroine, an anthology of upbeat speculative fiction, and we welcome stories by new writers as well as by established authors looking to expand their readership and advertise their other books.

Submissions: Please send submissions to Word doc or Word docx is the preferred format.

Deadline: Dec. 30

Length: 3000-35,000 words (Short stories, Novelettes, Novellas)

[We also publish a limited number of serialized novels of 35,000-55,000 words, divided into three to five episodes—query only completed novels with a cover letter that includes a summary of each episode]

Genre: SF, Fantasy, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult, Dystopian; Romantic subplots encouraged. All stories must have speculative element.

Tone: We are looking for stories that are heroic, uplifting or romantic, with HEA (Happily Ever After) or HFN (Happy For Now) endings. Extracts from novels are okay, as long as the story can stand alone. Protagonists should be likable and their relationships should be strong and relevant to the story. Drama is welcome. Humor is welcome. Romance is encouraged but other strong relationships are also great: female friendships, buddy adventure or “bromance”, parent-child, siblings, enemies who learn to trust...

Heat (for Romance subplots): Sweet to Sensual. Must have a strong plot outside the bedroom.

No erotica or fan-fic.

Honorarium of $1 for digital NON-EXCLUSIVE world rights. This means that you may concurrently publish your story elsewhere.

Promotion: Misque Press has an active readership who enjoy fantasy and science fiction with romance, strong characters and uplifting endings. Our books are professionally edited and professionally formatted. The anthology will be available through Amazon KDP so thousands of readers can try your writing for free--a great way to find loyal fans who will buy your other books.

Links to your other publications or to your website/social media platforms will be included (if you wish) so readers can connect with you. You may also use the PDF as a free gift to offer on your own website or to encourage subscribers to your newsletter. This is another great way to build up your own “tribe” of fans—even if you have nothing else published yet.

Please send submissions to Word doc or Word docx is the preferred format.