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There Once Was A Disposable Man... by Dan L. Hollifield

Posted: May 07, 2019, 02:30:17 PM
by Lester Curtis
Hey, what's this "To Be Continued ..."?! Serials belong in my department! LOL!

And why do I feel like I've read this before?

Suggestion: try to break up your paragraphs; you've got some scary-big monoliths there. No need to change a word, just split 'em wherever you can. Otherwise, it's a smooth, fast, easy read that didn't sag anywhere or kick me out of immersion.

Oh--and this just screams to be illustrated.

Two thumbs up, and I hope you have the next installment ready to load up, because--you've set an expectation and now you've got to fulfill it (grins).

Re: There Once Was A Disposable Man... by Dan L. Hollifield

Posted: May 08, 2019, 01:42:52 PM
by Lester Curtis
One reason I didn't send it to you is because it's unfinished, and I'm not about to make exceptions to the rules for myself. "Serials have to be complete before submitting the story." That's the rule, and it's a good one for the zine.
That hadn't occurred to me, and I was just having a little fun. I thought you were putting it with some of the other projects like "Nightwatch", but then it would be in Series and not Shorts.

Reading your post made me think you could change and fabricate a few details of your autobiography and publish that as fiction. I think you've lived through a bit more than most people ...

Now I want to go back and reread "Fly By Wire".

Re: There Once Was A Disposable Man... by Dan L. Hollifield

Posted: May 11, 2019, 10:38:09 PM
by Lester Curtis
Well, I'm here, aren't I? :lol: