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For the Love of Chicken by D.D.H. Lee

Posted: August 11, 2004, 10:06:30 PM
by kailhofer
Ho-Ho! This is a good one, no doubt about it.

This is a delightfully farcical situation about clueless people from the future trying to get a real chicken sandwich, instead of the processed ones given to them by robotic kitchens.

These are endearing characters, especially Marty, who just wants a good sandwich. Togther with his friends, they are faced with an incredible challenge for their feeble abilities. They face their ever-building sub-problems as best they can, moving forward in their plot, and eventually reach a moment of truth. Truth goes sideways from there, but it's fun to read!

Excellent, and well done!


Re: For the Love of Chicken by D.D.H. Lee

Posted: August 18, 2004, 11:55:00 PM
by Robert_Moriyama
At last, a story that shows the kind of world depicted in the Pohl/Kornbluth classic, The Marching Morons -- from the morons' perspective. Just kidding, folks -- the characters in this story aren't stupid, per se, just astonishingly ignorant. But then, Alan Funt (of Candid Camera, the great-grandsire of Punk'd and The Jamie Kennedy Experiment) once shot a film showing the spaghetti harvest in Italy, with happy peasants picking spaghetti from trees -- and a good many people thought it was real.<br><br>Although the story provides a satirical look at the 'expandio ad absurdum' (fake Latin alert: 'expandio' is almost certainly not a real word) result of animal rights movements taken to the (il)logical ultimate, it also gives us a sly commentary on the disconnect between what we eat and where it comes from. How many kids associate a dimwitted feathered creature with those McNuggets (TM, etc.) they're gobbling down? For that matter, how many adults picture a live tuna when they eat a tuna melt?<br><br>Funny stuff, indeed, occasionally suffering from some (to me) very odd turns of phrase and / or grammatical slips.<br><br>Robert M.