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Posted: October 03, 2013, 11:47:11 AM
by Robert_Moriyama
Killed some of them... all different IP addresses, making mass murder -- er, deletion -- harder.

Update: Finished off the current batch. At least one IP address was repeated several times. Most appear to be in Indonesia, based on Whois.


Posted: October 03, 2013, 12:11:33 PM
by Robert_Moriyama
rick tornello wrote:Indonesia? I wonder where. Can the island be pinpointed?

"Whois" said two IP addresses were in Jakarta. Why? Are you calling in a drone strike?


Posted: October 03, 2013, 12:23:53 PM
by Robert_Moriyama
davidsonhero wrote:I zapped four or five threads in the fun and games folder earlier. Something about kitchen cabinets for sale in the UK with links. I wasn't sure what needed to be done in addition to deleting the threads. What's the procedure I should follow if I come across spam?

Right-click on the spammer's username and "Open in new tab". This brings up the Profile for the user. Then click on the "Administrate User" option. You will have to re-enter your password to log in to the User Administration page for that user. You can then Ban by Username, Ban by E-mail address, Ban by IP address (options under Basic Tools), and Delete Posts (options under Delete User).


Posted: October 03, 2013, 12:24:54 PM
by Robert_Moriyama
rick tornello wrote:get me the IP addresses.

thanks, RT
Calling your contact in the CIA / NSA Cyberwar division?


Posted: October 03, 2013, 12:38:54 PM
by Lester Curtis
I just kicked a few. I don't think these are bots, just some poor third-worlders trying to make some beer money. Did they post anything? I didn't see any.


Posted: November 21, 2013, 06:00:11 PM
by Lester Curtis
I just logged on and checked the bottom of the page; found a strange new name in the "Newest Member" slot -- went to check it out in ACP and found a slew of what look like bot-spammers.

I tightened up the registration procedure a bit, and I'll change the question as soon as I can think of a good one. It occurs to me that maybe they live spammers could be sharing the correct response, but that doesn't seem likely.


Posted: November 21, 2013, 06:14:43 PM
by Lester Curtis
Mark Edgemon wrote: Ask the new sign ups to spell Aphelion backwards - spam bots cannot figure that out.
Thanks, I'll try that one.


Posted: November 21, 2013, 06:30:59 PM
by Lester Curtis
The new question is in place and seems to be working.

Thanks, Mark!