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Posted: February 26, 2010, 11:26:10 AM
by Megawatts
I liked the intro! It reminded me of the old detective stories where a Humphrey Bogart type character would say in his office: “That Dame reminded me of a Red Headed fire cracker...she stood like the Statue of Liberty for moment before shutting the door....”

Just had to get that one in-----I loved the intro!!

I loved this story! Loved everything about it! Maybe I’m partial for this story because I love out of time stories, storied that logically jump back in time, then forward in time, love stories across time, etc. To understand my partiality, at one time I worshiped Slaughterhouse-Five
by Kurt Vonnegut. To this day I still love it, and I read it around 1970 or a little later if memory serves me right.

Beyond saying how much I loved it, I can’t critique this story fairly since, as I said before, I just love these stories.

I-Just-Plain-Loved-It :D

Posted: February 26, 2010, 01:29:46 PM
by Lester Curtis
Good job.

I liked the part where the guy goes home and finds a note that he left for himself, then burns it and finds the ashes of previous notes. This little detail put me right into his head -- "What did I write before? How many times have I done this? And what the hell should I do next??!"

The place where this story fell down for me was the ability itself -- how does someone develop or find this? Actually, though, I think the author was smart to not try to explain it.