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Posted: April 17, 2010, 08:53:35 PM
by Lester Curtis
I was only halfway through this when I recognized Little Red . . . "well, good for you, Ms. Deckard," I thought. Really, we -- someone -- needs to re-appropriate the old classics. Disney and others have castrated and cartooned them too much, for too long.

This story goes beyond retelling an old fairy tale; it adds an entirely new dimension to it, which I wasn't altogether ready for. Very good.

I thought it got a little too self-explanatory, though, especially in the last section -- but only a little.

Posted: May 06, 2010, 10:50:40 AM
by Megawatts
Very interesting take on ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ Kind of reminded
me of the old expression: “A family that prays together, stays together!”
Just had to get that one in!

Loved the construction of this story by using interior dialogue, expressing
thoughts and feelings in the first person. Just stop and think for a moment
and you will understand how this type of writing placed you there, almost
beside her Galina also known as Little Red. It became a play with me sitting
in the front row and captivated by great actors.

I thought the writing very fluid without any sharp jumps or introduction
of unrelated or unneeded material just to demonstrated good grammar or
word usage. This story was concise and unified with great word choices
and very good sentence patterns. At no time was I wondering about
some small detail or confused about who was what and what did he/she/it
contribute to this story.

I’m going to re-read and analysis this story again for my only edification.

In my opinion this author has talent with a good foundation established in writing
by her education.