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A Study in Silicon by McCamy Taylor

Posted: November 05, 2007, 10:20:32 PM
by Megawatts
Artificial intelligence, a murder, a bionic women ( her brain that is ) and Babe Ruth mixed all together in the not so distance future along with some detective work, a set-up and the capture of the killers!

Philosophical issues are ever present in this story, and ones that might be on the front page of major newspapers or in the news-media of the future: I’m not sure if newspapers as we know them today will be in the future. Robots playing sports? AI’s that are granted citizenship!

I guess a cloned human would have human rights? AI’s that are self-aware, and would society give them citizenship?

Implied question such as the ones mentioned are intertwined throughout the story, and even in the future we have child abuse, and told by Susan. But fortunately for her, in her time she could be saved by medically implanting a microchip that serves as either part of her brain or is her brain. I’m not sure on that one.

I felt the writing in the story very good ---- proper sentence length and well balanced. And a minimal amount of adverbs that many writers feel should be strived for. I don’t fully agree with that theory, but many do including Stephen king.

Conciseness is one of the foundation to effective writing, and this story demonstrate the art of applying that attribute. I couldn’t find any phrases or dangling word choices that might confuse the readers’ thoughts or repeat what had been said before. Nice. And the language was clear to me at all times.

Getting back to the story, I like how Mycroft woos Susan and at the end, the suggestion of love is presented! After all, AI’s would have to develop some kind of emotion if they become self-aware! I’m sure someone will have a comment about what I just said!!!

Nice story!!!


Re: A Study in Silicon by McCamy Taylor

Posted: November 10, 2007, 03:36:00 PM
by kailhofer
Good story. I liked it a lot. Very modern-day Sherlock Holmes (as I assume was intended with the title and a name like Mycroft, Sherlock's smarter but lazier brother).

The only thing I was left pondering was a minor point: why would there only be one AI in the Americas but such greater numbers in Europe and Asia? Other than that, two thumbs up.

It seems ready-made for a sequel.
