Tree of Knowledge By Robin Lipinski

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Master Critic
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Re: Tree of Knowledge By Robin Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

Ruling the Sandbox

By: Only three more events until the "Big Sale!"

Has a toaster ever questioned the maker; busy little burner of life?
With the ElectroLux vacuum cleaner sucking up crumbs of a human partying: Life?
"I'm the life of the party," so says the fool,
only to look into a mirror,
a sad, sad, sad,

Some live in a box; alone, dirty, in the street.
Others live in a circle; vicious, cruel; eating scraps, eating their own evolved tail.
But what is this word, "Live," sounds like one of Aesop's Fables.

I eat and pay taxes,
I have sex with others and even with just me.
I hate
I scream
I cry
I die...

Does this mean I have lived?

So the question remains as the question IS the answer,
"Are you awake?"
Master Critic
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Re: Tree of Knowledge By Robin Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

a screen... blank , in front of me.
blank is so blase , much like the view of humans.
opening the eyes
opening the window to feel the rain
to smell , to taste , to hear , to think...
thinking that humanity is awake
awake really in a prison of a dream.
a soul (primitive word true , though you would never know as you sleep)
a soul never ever individual ; parting only in sleep.
turn the pillow over Earth
as you weep and grind your teeth
turn the pillow over for soon the dream ends , another begins , ends , begins , ends , ... ... ...
and when you finally awake , you will 'see' what it all means.
Master Critic
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Re: Tree of Knowledge By Robin Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

Just The Facts Man

Weird is such a weird word
full of what outcast teenage 'children' seek
a wonderful meaning I think.

To question and ponder
wonder and learn
only to grow and decide maybe there is more to life than being weird.

Science fiction becoming science fact.
Thoughts of taboo becoming religion as happy becomes sad
puppies become dogs
kittens become cats
and spam tastes like ham.

Weird writing with words?
Tonight man, tonight, just sticking to facts.

Now to wrap the black cloak of death and 6000 rounds;
gas canister and guns stuffed into a sack
off to see Batman and become part of the cast
death of another in darkness wearing a smile,
now that sir,
that is weird,
and that's a fact.
Master Critic
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Re: Tree of Knowledge By Robin Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

Tree of Knowledge

What would you do, mortal flesh dancing the ring-around-the bole
bark parting
cambium slipped
sap oozing sore imparting the vision?

To know of impending world death,
to know of stupid growing into what is so (11462) there is no human word for
rather to note there is nothing you could do
even with all the knowledge the tree has given you.

You say you 'know' something,
I say, show me 'something'.
Anything is but a thing, a transitory, wispy vowel leading to adjectory soi tic loor (11462)
yet, 'thing' is a leaf of knowledge humans chase in the wind
it is what they are looking for.

If I gave you money
gave you health
gave you chance and opportunity
knowledge of the future as well as the past...
what would you do?

nothing--- --- --- or --- --- ---something??? ??? ???

As I suspected for the last million years
you would still act as monkeys
flinging poo at the crowds
crowds filled with 'things'
those things such as me
the gardener
the [.0...0...0... ... ...]
the keeper in trust
of the tree.
Master Critic
Posts: 3425
Joined: June 05, 2011, 02:05:03 AM

Re: Tree of Knowledge By Robin Lipinski

Post by Lipinski »

"Looking at all of the above drivel."

By: Hu-man blindness

Rats running the maze with hopes of food or electrocution.
Mice content stealing cheese and having sex.
Monkeys shrieking while feces fly in the face of social decorum.
Fleas sucking subcutaneous for survival spreading disease corrupting cells for survival mutating for survival...
Mmm, a common thread 'I' see.

I see lots of things actually or is actually what I saw?
Dealing with words, they neither hear, see, or speak,
perceptions of a jumble of cells with DNA and RNA mostly in common with plants, in fact, in common with every
"L I V I N G"
as in, you, her, and he.

Funny little species, you that call yourself, "Man," thinking that you are truly living, planning, thinking,
it is part of a grand plan.

A little secret for you to understand,
this little part of reality you think you understand,
to pee with a penis
give birth via a womb,
are all but letters of code in what the closest relation you can actually understand; Computer.

A reality of logic far above what this dimension is even close or capable,
to realize that you have been, 'rewound, fast forwarded, deleted, and 'changed'
must make that little bit of your code feel,
somewhat cheated.

So 'Live' your life,
take a walk in the imaginary code of the forest,
believe you can change the program,
and wait for the next virus coming
and the new program used to delete it.
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