A Steamy Ale from Stheefla by: Sergio Plaumbo

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A Steamy Ale from Stheefla by: Sergio Plaumbo

Post by Lipinski »

Well, I tried to read the story. The only part I was able to read was the title. I got the following for the story:

Warning: Star Not Found
Reality shift may have occured. Please consult your instruments.
We're terribly sorry, but we cannot seem to find the navpoint you were looking for. We've been doing quite a lot of cleaning up here lately, so it's quite likely we've mislaid it.

On the other hand, it's entirely possible that you have slipped through a crack in the space/time continuum and landed in an alternate universe. Please check your hyperdrive settings, reboot your navigation computer, and, if all else fails, rotate your vessel ninety degrees and try again.

If none of that helps, and you are reasonably certain after consulting with star charts that you are still in your native universe, please contact the webmaven and let him know about the hyperlink you were trying to follow, so we may mark it on our maps and not get lost in time before the next issue's deadline. Meanwhile, you can find your way back to known space by using any of the nav beacons on the left side of your screen

Thank you, and please enjoy your visit to Aphelion Webzine. I think your story broke the system Sergio!
Master Critic
Posts: 3445
Joined: June 05, 2011, 02:05:03 AM

Re: A Steamy Ale from Stheefla by: Sergio Plaumbo

Post by Lipinski »

It works!

The story was good as any story with hunters, bars, and the name, Trixie all put together. It has to work. Plus steam is involved.

The only complaint is one I have often with fiction/fantasy stories, that being names. It is hard to write an alien exotic name that is different yet not impossible for a reader to say out loud without difficulty. This story had a lot of names I'd need to hear in person first and then read so as to form a better pic.
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