The April 2019 issue is now online!

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Re: The April 2019 issue is now online!

Post by Lipinski »

Alright, I have a complaint!

Specifically regarding the misappropriation of the proud race of polen people.

Just to let you know, the polen people are an ancient people that adhere to a strict diet of corn husks and mulberry jam. (though sometimes, they are allowed to binge on ground mollusk shells sprinkled with a boiled goo of mashed maggots and horse nostril when their first mare goes into their first heat cycle)

The polens are active in gardening where they use bee's to pollinate the corn and mulberries. Their dying decomposed bodies then made for excellent maggot habitat.

polens cannot float... they cannot drift. They are a rooted and fixated species with emotions so solid they are like concrete.

Please refrain bringing bring the polen race into your world of human. If you fail to say that polen people float around like some fairies or dandelion seeds... WE. The polen people will rise and take action. WE. The polen people will boycott Aphelion and refuse. (Yes, you heard me) REFUSE! To PAY one more cent for this publication.

Signed respectfully: Parasite. President of the 'Power to the Polen' (donations to the P.T.T.P can be made out to, Robin B Lipinski. Cash is preferred...)
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Re: The April 2019 issue is now online!

Post by Lipinski »

"Yeah! Do as that human says." The parasite replied.

Continuing, the odd shaped blob of yuck, exclaimed..."We need to scoop up all those PILES of drugs that idiot lost." "Waste not, want not."



Scene snippit of disclaimer: " Polen people are in no way, form (be it carnal or intellectual, or heck...just plain weird) with anyone going by the alias, Robin B. Lipinski."

(clearing it's voice)

and now, looking and you, talking to your, I knew...OH! LOOK! A butterfly~
Master Critic
Posts: 3526
Joined: June 05, 2011, 02:05:03 AM

Re: The April 2019 issue is now online!

Post by Lipinski »

yes indeed,
free as a butterfly.
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