Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Ha! Good one.

And now, winter.

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Do women think of sex?
Apparently they do, so then the question: Do women think of sex more than men?
(setting aside the confusion of those humans wanting to change genders like they change their shoes)
There are many answers ranging from more, the same, and less.

An experiment.
Thus the inspiration.

The Sex Game

Children know how gross a kiss can be when their age is four.
Remember wiping a glass after your mother took a sip, and yes, how you forgo such actions when sipping your fathers beer.

None-the-less, young children care nothing for the mental thoughts of sex, though the physical stimulation starts when their nervous system progresses to sensation before they are born...Remember your first piss?

six to one hundred and sixty or fuck it, six to the end of time...

so, imagine the following and when finished, take the test and answer the question per your preferred gender.
Did the words invoke something pertaining to sex or did you mostly see anger?

Aspirin, a headache of sorts? Or is the heart unable to stimulate the touch.
Prescription for a broken heart is to tend the fertile soil
Planting seed deep to wait for the Sun to bring fruition.

A harvest, born of toil to toil, to nourish and exist
Wait...could it be?
Conflicts of what to some is so important and trivial to those expose,

No. No shame.
Fuck no, Angels have no genetilia, instead they are cells of God

So, the question: Simple biology. A male A female Fuck. They procreate

And now the question: What does God feel when having to take a piss?

(and there, beneath the hollows of branches entwined, heavy moans and passion as they sigh thinking nothing of what they know to be lies or truth. For them there is no God, no Demons, they only hold and think of each other until one of them hates the other)

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"It's snowing outside."

Brilliant parasite, how did you come to that conclusion?

"Uh? It's snowing outside?"

Naw. But if it will help you out I can turn on the oven to 450 and bake you for an hour or so?

(the parasite was not stupid and answered with indignation in the voice) "Of course you can. Put the oven on roast as I'm feeling a bit pale.

Okey dokey.

Baked or Froze

Ha! Ask a hippy if they are baked or froze and the guy will laugh while the girl says, "chill dude."

And the question is: A or Z?

What a mind blitz!


Now, where was i/? \

oh yes...

An apple of my eye resides among the zoo of Creation
No touch or binding force of hold
Hugging the mind
all so well as the deep waters caress wild abandonment of imagination.

Full well of course,
brimming to the top with so many stars lost to chaos and fate
boiling over,
what rests behind
the eyes.

"Cool dude...Wanna get high?"

Ha! This planet is flat when it comes to flight...
You want to go high parasite? So high there can never be a low?

"Fucking A!"

Very well,
tonight we fly.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


"Yeah. Yeah, whatever. It was fun."

Glad you enjoyed it parasite. Now, about the weather...

"It's fucking cold outside! Can't we go visit P.T. in the Philippines?



Got a passport?

"No. Do you?"

Expired. But, we can go there, in our dreams.

Giant fruit bats there in the Philippines
And lizards, lots of lizards
The water though? Crystal clear you can even see the micro plastics.

Beer served frozen
Lumpia served hot
And the native bands sings such great hits from America.

Plus, it is never -10 with frozen rivers
No fucking snow or blizzards
and, and, wait a second...

Ted and his buddy are watching French black and white porn
with words like flaccid
and penis.

"You're weird, but I like it."

Thanks parasite.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Not the name of a bird with the ice and cold fucking with the wires...

Ha! (been enjoying laughter greatly these days)

-2 and yet the legs are on fire
Manipulating time and matter, (it matters you know, in decisions and banter)
Taiwan and China with the games of duress lingering on and on and on.
South Africa...

South Africa, where women play BB until the nuke went to Israel, the white farmers killed, and now the two major tribes are trying to beat each other back to the stone age, pissed that Israel will become a dominant world power.

Lets talk about Ireland.
Ah yes, a land of such magic
where men know how to laugh and women know how to wink.
Such a lovely place, a place where a stone truly knows how to speak.

Boring. Necessary for the Grand game. Full of uninspiring balls of dough without yeast.
Speaking of which, today is cinnamon roll day!
Hip Hip Hooray!
But first, to twist some metal and play with Wolf (for sure some laughter in play)
and then, somberly and with a sigh...
Last night was indeed
a good time
to fly while the rivers deep...Very deep.
Near the center of sanity
flow slowly with such immense power
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Put to bed and rest?
for of a feathery pillow who hollow quills reverberate sounds of sensual pleasures
all the the tips of fingers
even grounded in reality is shaken as the floor takes score
and again
dawn whispers,
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Foolish Fools

Written by: A Crocodile

(first, cookies and love for Thor)

The world was awake this past night.
Stewing in a pot of frigid beliefs
"There is no God! You are a liar!"
So, so many choosing the the life being evils slave.

Now, as then, the men met in cloistered fashion, separate from women
Women met in open fashion because the Fire says something different to them
Not sex
Not gender
God's hands are Left and Right

So serious the meeting as the children slept
Dreaming of what is coming, what is here, what passed
Nightmares and tears

It was not the women this time, with their cohesive thoughts and speeeels.
It was the men who took action.
Bind a crocodile by driving steel spikes through his forearms
Driving deep the ring shanked hand forged knobs deep into the trunk of the tree of Life.

The creature struggled, as was his right while he was left with a mission
Jaws opening wide to reveal valleys between the mountains of teeth
and yet no fear, no anger, just a toothed smile and some words...
"{Foolish men. When will you retain what was learned? Your actions only embolden me.}"

Men, so powerful and full of earthly ideas while with ablation you remove your very soul.
Your smugness, your attempts, a cornucopia of power of your ignorant bliss...
Look at the crocodile this morning?
Is he where you nailed him to the tree?
Hide now men and women bearing the sign of eutoria, children of Adam and Eve.

Run men. Run women. Run far as you flee
Drop your shields,, spears,,and swords.
Naked you all are now, fully exposed
God is truly here.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The zipper looked as if it knew its path well
Joining separation
Providing comfort and warmth.

Now picture this... A shirt? A jacket? Trousers?
A zipper has secrets to expose
A world
full of naked exposures.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Wonderful play!
Some of the best yet, and might I say, ingenious?
Anyway, much enjoyed.
You see
Had a long talk today with a good friend.
Steve, but of course you don't know, that underlying the conversation was a message, almost out of Shakespeare's plays.

To talk of smoked cows tongue and mackerel , hernia's, wigs and women, sex

Leading now to what i touch when it touches me.
Cat and mouse so yummy it sends a shivering tingle inside me.

(the parasite slapped its head in disgust and said) "Seriously? Geeesh..."

I do like spicy things.
Heck, even spicy squid...
and cat

"Help, I've fallen and can't reach my gin and tonic."

No problem parasite, I'll pour myself another.

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Hey parasite, ever lick tomatoes?

(rolling the thick purple eyelids the parasite replied) "No."

How about sticking your tongue on a ice cold surface like a frozen flagpole?


Okay, have you ever french kissed a dolphin?



"No, uh, no, no never have."


In Europe horse meat is sold in grocery stores. The texture of the protein is stringy and unique in flavor.

Blood bread and blood soup is extremely rich in flavor to the point of causing dizziness in the consumer.

Pop Tarts are good but Danish Merry Go Rounds are superior

Pizza rules all...Savory, hot, moist, juicy, flaky, tangy. The way the slices of pie look like pie, taste like pie...
Soft folds of dough.
and, and...

"I'm off to see some dolphins. Later moron."

I'm going to slurp upon a hot pocket. Stay out of trouble parasite. And you should really try licking some tomatoes.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Ha! (and might it be said...har de ha ha)

"Fucked up huh?"


"Nah, not you but what is trying to destroy you."

Oh you mean the cut brake line? Or are you referring to the contamination? Perhaps the tooth? Or is it...

"What are you talking about? I'm referring to chocolate. You eat any more of that and I won't have any."

That's the plan parasite. That's. the plan.
Only God can kill me.
Nothing else anywhere in any time can destroy me.

Three powerful statements/words a human can embrace.

1. To ask for forgiveness

2. To forgive

and the most important thing to give to God with an open heart is the word...

3, Thanks.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Nuclear Reminders
in clouds there flows a decision given by the wind
to sweep or furl
grow into a storm
surrender into mist

to ponder such thoughts as to the comings and goings means wonder still occurs
and yet
with such a leaden weight of concrete growing until crushing the mountains beneath with dread
daily reasons to continue the drought of ignorance
even accounting for God's tears
mankind still prays for rain.

why can't the people stop staring up at the cloud as if with such an action they will change?
why do the children prefer to follow their growth with anger and screams?
ah yes, a clear blue sky filled with butterflies and birds
yes indeed
no clouds of war
no evil or hate
and look, the enemies have looked to the ground, to their feet
dropping their weapons now in pursuit of peace

at least this is what the voice of wind said while standing atop a cloud of missile exhaust of a Chinese ICBM
flying to destroy the Dream.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Hydrogen instead of EV or diesel/gasoline. Of course Comstocks Bioleum is a winner.
Humans constantly have to reinvent the wheel.
Wheels needs bearings. Bearings needs lubricant. Grease.

Thus the inspiration.

A Travois

A young woman went in search of firewood for her family. She lived near the Missouri breaks and her family was currently enjoying the benefits of the migratory herds of buffalo coming up from the warmer valleys into the higher grounds in search of Spring grass.

Ample supplies of food both in bison and fish from the river. The main fish being a paddle fish. Her tribe called them, equ'.

She enjoyed the warm day. Already some insects were freeing themselves from the dew laden grass.
Behind the woman she dragged a simple travois of which she had already bound a pile of dry cottonwood limbs that had fallen during the winter. The would burn hot and smell good.

Meanwhile, in a parallel timeline, a Kenworth semi truck was pulling a load of diet coke on a cracked interstate surface. The driver of the truck was tired as he had been on the road for a long time and was looking forward to his mandatory time out so he could get some much needed sleep.

As the large eighteen wheeler continued, the wheels of the truck drove through the exact spot the young woman was pulling the travois full of wood. At this exact moment, she felt a vibration and she touch her head as she felt dizzy. Inside her belly a five month baby was brought to a sensation that he had felt in the future. His future was to be short as his life...

Something in the exact moment caused the driver of the truck to swerve. He turned the wheel sharply as he thought he had seen a person standing in the middle of the road. He thought he saw his son...

The wheels of the semi slowly spun as the overturned truck burned in a thicket of dry fallen cotton wood branches. Sticks that would have made wonderful firewood for a young native woman six thousand years ago.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A wonderful test

Written by: A test'

N life
M y
From God there resides a patience to release the dam of anger

A nger
M y
From inside there floats an ocean of pain

G o
F lowing away to save a life
T onight forming a dream of thanks.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Intellect: Fitting word for a conglomeration of loose clothing with ample space for ignorance.

Intelligence: Ah yes, now this word is much better as the ignorance is washed with heat, shrunk tightly to fit the thoughts, and worn like an itchy wool sweater.

Been dabbling on social news networks with comments/communication to both ignorance and intelligence. An interesting experience to be sure. Full of amplified hypothesis bearing the same old withered fruit full of sterile seeds.

But with repetition regarding the unsavory thoughts of God, religion, country, life...there is inspiration. Thus from rocky ground bereft of life there grows from nothing, a whole new world.
Computers speak the language of all languages knowing the exterior foliage of mankind. English. French. Latin. So many verbal accounts of babble to be sure, yet they know the language of mankind's interior.

Under the bark of skin there reside the sound of sickness and health. The mind sprouts a connectivity with machine, and yet machine cannot penetrate or know of what cannot be recorded, learned, erased. A machine, a computer, a intellect... cannot communicate with the soul.

"Boo! There is no God! You are a liar!" Said by so many of intellect. Said while in direct contact with another intelligence; God.

Words grow and fall much like leaves upon a tree. Taking the mineral, the water, the gasses, and they grow, learn, teach, and fall to compost to become even more. Leaving for the future a garden.

You can understand this because you are like a computer in the fact you understand babble. You are so much better though because even if you choose to deny or resist or hide... You are also talking with a much more powerful form of intelligence. God. (not me, I'm the village idiot)

Now this is where the inspiration drops like Issac Newtons toying with gravity.

For intelligence to communicate with intelligence, common ground is found. Such communication is easy for some scientists to state the communication via mathematics and the basic laws of science . Bravo! Basic and uninspiring.

Some say that human intelligence meeting alien 'higher' intelligence would place the onious of 'breaking' the communication barrier upon the 'advanced' species. Bravo! Basic and uninspiring.

Explain this: How can a human being. An intelligent species. Children of God. How can they, you, or anyone communicate with a non-biological crystal matrix 'skin' worn in a fourth dimension?

"You're full of bullshit! No such thing. Making up more shit!"

And this is a start. Denial. Next comes fear, and anger, and sadness. And finally, your roots will indeed penetrate sterile, 'lifeless' stone, to find the rich nutrients abounding eternal which will make communication with the Universe as easy as the first smile on an infant being more valuable than anything else in the galaxy.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Effie burgers are...Fantastic!

Three cheeses, burger, homemade bread, ham, onions. Weighing about the same as a baby elephant.
Gooey goodness.

On the wall resides the sign "Bull shit ave."

Next to the booth an advertising for "Angry Orchard Hard cider."

Sitting across was a morbidly obese teenager with a friend.

A few months ago the windows of the establishment were all smashed by a street vagrant.

The waitress was good and very adept at her job. Able to run the small room at about 78% efficient.

As a side note: Corgi's love onion rings.

Life is truly fantastic.

Coyotes will have a visitor tonight.

And those bunnies have a surprise for the unsuspecting Owl.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Really shouldn't... though ought naught reject that which bellows the forge.

Scratched the sky today. Yup. Right up over there.

Mucked about the melted frost and found some melted garbage.

Imagine...Once a box, a fortress of solid ambition, then to test and melt with fire, only to winter in despair, and Voila'!

Which pulleeeeed the nostrils. Yes sir, Indeed.

Looked down upon,
(frowned even)
A lot of grease and grime.

Sooooo, went ahead of the clock a bit.
Far past today and not a bit close to eternity

Saw a man using the Metabo
He was told, you see, by the haunting of the old socket set.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Albanese. Worlds best gummy bear.

A black girl, a white boy.
Sitting there at a basketball game set up by angels

They don't need any extra pressure, waiting for the camera to record the winning bet.

Getting back to gummy bears...It's true. They are the worlds best.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Good. As it should be.

And then there was One.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

What if they are still? I mean, what if they are invisible?

"That's crazy. They cannot have just vanished."

Justifications for reason thought of while encased in cold moments of unreasonable horror.

(A fucking word salad?)

Okay. Okeei dokey. Yes. Oui. Yah. Fur sure dude.


A long time ago by your reasoning, there occurred a blending, a mixture. Many call it, 'history'.
Laughable how history is deemed to repeat itself. Over and over and over and over. And in the midst of laughter the cold reality of how it appears old when studying history and fresh/invigorating when forgetting it all has happened before.


Far 'before' Abraham, the mixture of hand and soul. Resonance. Vibrations. Music of song and peace.

It gets 'worse' (by some peoples definition) 'better' (remembering the history before the history.)

Daily. Yearly. Centuries. Seconds. Blips. Bleeps. Blurps.

What if they are still :here:?

Invisible? No. Not if you close your eyes.

Vanished? No. Impossible, for with one there is another One.

There IS justification for the horror.

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


What's that parasite?


Do you have gas?

The purple blob was smiling, or it could have been gas pains, anyway it said, "I got zapped by lightning."

When? There was no lightning today.

"I got zapped by lightning this summer."

Summer or 1976, 2001, 2024, or 1346?



Not from the blue does the lightning bolt shred the day
Nor does the song of drum fall from the sun
Reverberations intense as the fingers ply the strings of Life beneath a moon.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Ricky Hill. Now that's some inspiration for ya.

Rocks N Sticks

Written by: some fingers

Ain't nothing proud about bein a stick layin on the ground
Nothing growing no more
Drying out and brittle

Rocks there be a plenty for sure
All sizes with the price of lifting being free
Begging, just a begging for some throwing and hittin

He was a born a child of God, even gifted with the leaning of preachin
Walking with a bum spine not worthy of givin
A family there treatin him as if he was a worthy of hitting his stride with a dream

"Pow!" The boy he a found the power of whacking rocks with a stick
Down by the ol rail tracks
Ricky couldn't hardly walk, couldn't run but he set those ol rock free to soar up n over the trees

Trees the same branches bein used to play baseball
or was it God playing?
To the boy it be the same.

In life there be dreams, always those dreams bein something
Hitting rocks with a stick
Finding what grows inside, an for Ricky his rocks grew into baseballs, the stick into a bat, n his life passin full speed while God eself, spitting sunflower seed hulls n saying, "Play ball!"
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

(the following is written by something no one wants to even THINK exists... I suggest no writer be inspired and no reader read.)

Fuck you Agent Barton. You dared to inflict harm on something i love and now you will suffer.
In the next 24 hours your ranks will be thinned.
This world begs to be destroyed. Absolutely begs to be destroyed and while this world is still guarded by legions of stability, tonight i get a free pass...

Check under the pillow before you dare to sleep, you will forget your mistresses and pricks. Your shoulder holster holding something you think will protect

i care nothing for love or hate, nothing of this world matters one bit other than to obey orders given by something you fuckers all reject.

Agent Barton, lately you think. You dare to think you can understand the mechanics of Life and death and so death you will understand while you scream.

Tonight, many agents will die.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The battle has gone on or longer than any immortal can remember.
Give and take.
Never is there a surrender.

There is no joy felt when a planet explodes or fades into dust or debris
No jubilation when evil is annihilated to its very seed.

I takes only one to erase billions
A blink of an eye
A slow raise of the hand.

So how does emotions come into play when pushed hard into a corner?
For those beings blessed with a taste of love or respect, there comes anger and sadness.
For those with the soul of ice cold intellect free from anything other than the power to create or destroy, there is nothing
nothing more or less than a mission.

"Hey numbnuts. Take a break from writing bullshit and come play checkers."


"Then how about you come and scratch one of my appendages?"


"Okay. Then lets go destroy a satellite."

Absolutely a fantastic idea. Which one?

"You know..."

Lets do it! And lately i have a hankering to sink another sub.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

In general yes.

"What the fuck now?"

Last night i haunted myself.

"Oh goody. Can we get ice cream now?"

And in turn myself did a no no.

"For fucks sake...See a shrink. Become a monk. Go play with some bull testicles...Just leave me alone."

it is good!



A tasty treat of nostalgic
Bat of Hell resonates so well
You took the Words right out of my mouth.

How does one get to home plate when the field becomes myself
Gripping not only this but trillions of worlds?

No matter the battle of will
Nothing will ever stop me to remember the worlds right out of my mouth...
it must have been while you were kissing me...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

What did you think about that parasite?

"Not impressed."

My either.
or is it, me neither?

"Fuck it. They deserve it."

They could try to change. It is possible.

"No. No it is not possible. They wrote this story before they were even created.

Wanton carnal lust of beasts who have no understanding

Soberly and in fear of God

First, it was ordained for Creation

Secondly, Life was the reason

Third and foremost four which the style of style of discontent only leads to the rooms locked and hidden

For with fortitude, there comes the impression.

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Case law
Standard for trial
Rule 12

"Go ahead, eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge." A voice entered her mind. Her, as in female. Woman.

The thoughts found fertile ground in her mind. She acknowledged her decision to accept the choice offered by something other than herself.

She took a bite and was instantly filled with the voices of others. The music of peace replaced with the staccato of countless words of babble. Words of mathematics, of law, of boundaries between chaos and order. She shared with him the taste so he too could find vibrations of energy boundless inside the soul.

Both found fault now. They found fault in the fruit. They found fault in God. They were finders of justice according to the laws of physics, of pains given by decay and death.

Once they were clothed in nothing more than peace and love. Innocent of crime and hate. All the goodness of what is became the naked threads of lies, evil, and hate.

Running into their future they turned their back to what they now considered blinding and uncertain; open now to the acceptance of their own governing and laws. Rules dictated by those vibrations coming not from the warmth of God's comfort; rather demanded and commanded by those filing an appeal for their crimes. Inflicting the right of corroboration upon the beings now slaves to planetary law.

A Judge
A Jury
A Bailiff

(and now this is where there are no words as words are merely legal code. instead this is where i depart as far away as it is possible, feeling the vibrations of something totally free from and of any influence of the laws pertaining to the choices and actions of a species given the library of law and order. Free to sit once again in the Garden of Peace without the voices of criminals.)
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Practical Jokes

Written by: A Part

Pieces fall together when the picture is painstakingly cut apart with the laser precision of design.

Take the life of one man who really is nothing more than a conglomeration of atoms and debris from all those uncountable detris; pictures

unto themselves cut apart to create the ongoing stew of experimentation and creation.

There is no destruction. Nothing of this dimension can kill life. Nothing of this dimension and create life.

Now, the puzzle of a man who is nothing more or nothing less, rather a picture reforming. Gathering piece after piece after piece... until the puzzle is not only complete, it is a puzzle able to make any piece fit together in any way without conflict or obstruction.

'Tonight' for example, Jupiter disappeared. It had too as it was blocked by a rather large (grin) EXTREMELY huge piece of the ever changing puzzle.

The music of the Twilight Zone with none other than Rod Sterling, BOOM!

What fun!
What a wonderful joke!

As for the probing, what the fuck is up with that?

Anal banality to be sure. Dry, frictional, and yet unable to fracture the goo now holding the shit together.

Jokes can be played in many ways. Practical and impractical.

What happens when this solar system gets a new 'ring' around a planet/puzzle called, Jupiter?

Ha! Golden Corral rocks!
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"That is a fact!"

The boy had a boat. A boat made of the heaviest stone carved by the oldest and wisest fish.

Fish. A fish. A particular fish living to be; to ever have been caught in a Nebula.

Sirius and ever more serious, the boat made sail pulling a moon even faster than the Winds of Irubula.
So, wit a win-k, while even so few stars now blink

"Hey numbnuts."

(no answer from not a mentally impaired and physically misadjusted, the gimpy retard sat still)

"Hey numbnuts!"

Yes parasite? (the stone boat sank, pulling a moon/stars, even a deck of cards down with it into the abyss of Neptune)

"What's up now?"

A lot parasite.

A whole galaxy to expand to simple terms; Galaxies.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Skip Jumping

A lot of writers of any genre write using personal experience, research, knowledge. They use facts and present a plausible means for a reader to come to some sort of conclusion. The reader may or may not believe/understand the story or they may totally reject the authors writing and move onto something else to read. As it should be.

Here on Aphelion many writers use facts in conjunction with imagination/fiction/fantasy to attain a 'story' worthy of a readers attention. Some writers are totally whacked in the head and write some fucked up weird shit. Take Lipinski for example, he is certifiably insane. :P

Now, after prepping to some inspiration today lets start by asking a question. Do any of you writers or readers or mental patients know what skip jumping is?

You there, what's your name?

"Writers parasite."

That is an interesting name. Tell me writers parasite, do you know what skip jumping is?

"Yes. Skip jumping is when Robin forgets to take his medicine and skips reality."

No. No, that is not the answer, so here is the real answer for skip jumping.
Tomorrow, the 2nd of February 2024 a piece of space rock will zoom past this planet. In the news it is being said it would level a city if it crashed to Earth. Of course, there is very little chance of that happening... and yet, the news forgets to mention skip jumping.

Skip jumping (six times now skip jumping is mentioned...seven)

Skip jumping (8) is the ability to place anti-matter in front of matter (space rock). The ability to use anti-matter matters a lot in skip jumping (9) It matters because anti-matter nullifies the space/time continuum.

For some UFO (no probing) enthusiastic reader/writers, this is only one of many ways to travel so very much faster than the speed of light. Some ships use this to propel very quickly

Now, skip jumping (10) is a means 'some' use to transport various space objects ranging from the size of a grain of sand to an entire Universe. A trap hole so to speak. Skip jumping (11) is used for minerals in certain asteroids to be transported quickly and efficiently to where they are to be use for their minerals.

Skip jumping can also be used to steer certain objects such as asteroids, comets, planets, moons, and suns. Though due to the physics of such science, skip jumping (12) works best on objects already engaged in linear travel as the results are easier to achieve.

Here's a question parasite, If anti-matter is being used against matter then how can it be stored/shipped/used without causing havoc upon those using it?

"You know what shithead? I tolerate you because you feed me, provide me with money to go see dolphins in Florida, and you are easy to fuck with, so I don't give a flying jump to the moon what anti- matter or matter does other than to see gravity..."

Correct! Gravity.

"What? Oh go fuck yourself. Bye."

Gravity is key to matter and anti-matter. And the key to gravity control may rest in mass and for Earth science, most definitely but there are other causes of gravity. It is very easy to make gravity using a combination of matter and anti-matter. So very easy it becomes impossible for Earth scientists to see. (earth scientists can't make even the most simplest of things such as understanding what H2O can really do)

Ah yes, the bunny hole. So easy to find comfort in the buried warren. So very easy to control matter. And it matters as there is an entity right now, this very second, planning on doing some skip jumping (13) on some asteroids that will really give Earth folks a headache as they will never see it coming...
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