Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


Omage of character to state the obvious

Oh my the Dragon scenes

Above on path from East to West, a small bird labors her best to flee the nest, following a Sunset

This same journey seeks a raven too, on the same path.

Ground tumbling nest and tree, laying mountains to find a stable rest

Both headed in earnest, such determination, to burn below an Angry Sun

Lead by a Dragons rage,

A damning smell released by a Dragon's breath.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


Smells bring the alliance between interesting/strange.
A gutted human body while the tortured scream; smelling sticky sweet with a slight tint of iron.

Then when the flesh is cooling and puddled blood congealing, a strange odor of obsolete.

Is this interesting?

Not in the least to those who cannot smell their own actions and beliefs...

For those conscious and able to discern, such a situation smells strongly of a feast.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


India has a special place in my heart. A heart that beat strongly before and after with it becoming something entirely different during.

So Sobo is a cookie whore. Handy indeed while in India the acting is so horrible and yet so sincere it becomes something different during each scene.

Lady bug loves mice and showed yesterday how proud she was to kill a trophy. Putin too, and Biden, and Netenya-1
Which while India is a land of so many beliefs common/uncommon and something entirely different during.

With their intellect and technology they traded one god for one of many and then many reduced/killed. Before and after and something entirely different during.

Turkey? Turkey is the whore of people who embrace before and after while in total defiance during.

India Inside Me

A woman whose family is old. Older than the mountains now just drifting dunes of sand.

Is there laughter in death? Corpse spread like a blanket over a Sihk. Perfectly trimmed mustache and beard, he no longer felt pain.

She reached her open palms out in front to swirl lightning and rain. A monsoon of what it is all really about during the battle between night and day.

On there/their smug ships of exclusion, those bastards who seduced the Indian woman, pulling her away from the web spun of finest dreams.

Death? They laugh at my God for the reason of their belief in time, unlike India which is always young, always old and something entirely different during.


Tonight the Agents bore me before and after and during and so, and so, and so...
To show those who have the ability to coerce, to manipulate, to deceive, tonight they will travel during a mere glimpse of what it is like,
for me to dream.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"It is not logical sir."

"Spock, for god's sake, make sense."

(oh oh. somebodies been dipping into the cookie jar again...)

Oh yeah baby. So good. Ooh, how's that? Better? What. Oh. Excuse me Ma'am. I'd like a large Geno's Surprise, and goody-goody size of fries, and a large...no, extra large slurppy slurry of shite.

"Snap out of it dude. You're freaking me out."

Sorry parasite. You see, my mind is now so totally fractured; entire galaxies have just been created (and all in less than 7.332 days)

"You are beyond help."



First thing you've said that I can totally agree.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"So. What's going on?"

What do you mean parasite?

"You're lost aren't you?"


Are you deaf?

Yes? No? What do you want me to say?

Are you losing your fucking little teeny tiny miniscule dwarf mind?"

Are you Snow White?


(we now return you to the channel of sanity. enjoy the rest of your day.)
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

When a writer writes about aliens and UFO's, the topics are relatable to human understanding of social structures and basic natural laws pertaining to the species.

When a reader reads about aliens and UFO's, they find something they can relate too such as ships able to travel time and space, weapons, social structures...

When an alien reads what a human writer writes about regarding aliens, they find humor, disgust, and amazement.

So humans want to explore worlds beyond the confines of their 'own' space?

Some humans have been allowed 'off world'. Not many but enough to see if the change of environment would change the course humans have followed for thousands of years on Earth.

On other worlds the Earth humans were set into situations different in biology yet similar in what choices were made available to them.

Some humans were transported to ships to see if mixing the humans of Earth with the 'humans' of other worlds would bear fruit.

Time travel
Time unravel

Currently on this lab the species of humans are following the herd mentality of control. They are trading sacrificial beliefs for the comforts of conformity.

Abortion. A simple procedure to attempt termination of life is being more and more acceptable. In the minds of those accepting and justifying such attempts are proving the species follows what so many other civilization before them have done. Not the act of them 'killing' is abhorrent as this species does not yet realize that their actions cannot kill life.

Life cannot be killed. Death is only belief of those thinking they have power.





What do you think is evil? To try and kill what cannot be killed or to believe that your actions actually kill?

i know Life cannot be destroyed much like your physics say energy cannot be destroyed or 'created'.


Life is Created. It is created at such a scale the mere thought of understanding would destroy your mental stability beyond control. An energy beyond your wildest imagination.

To kill life with the thought one is actually destroying utterly that which is targeted for death...this is the definition of pure evil. Evil cannot, nor ever will, destroy Life, life.

Those millions of babies humans killed due to ignorance are not dead. They are vessels of life far beyond the control of any human actions. Love so many think they understand, it is never destroyed.

Good news though. There is hope for humanity on this planet Earth. That being one day they will come to understand how wrong they were in actions and beliefs. Along with that day coming they will understand that while life cannot be destroyed they will learn evil can and will be.

(as a footnote, when the one you love totally 'dies' know they are not dead in the way you believe in death. they are very much alive and will always remain so. you all have so very much to remember what memories you had before the day of your birth)
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Wild rice

What do the commonality of such bring?

The words change the taste of a meal while eating fish, pizza, and leading to thoughts of ice cream.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Speaking of thoughts, it is often that those dabbling in writing will do research on the topics they are writing about.
Research helps with facts if writing non-fiction or if fiction it helps lead credence to the story.

Inspiration can come from random research. An example is when researching Richard Gere sticking a gerbil up into his lower colon you can find that such a fact is in fact not a fact. It is urban legend, BUTT it is inspirational.


Santa Claus and His Journey to the Dark Side

Written by: An elf who was there.

It was dark inside. So very dark. Pitch black. A void of nothing more than stink and moist undulations.

Santa was laying on the sofa wearing pink bunny slippers and a purple thong. It was off season and he was making the most of it. Usually there were lists to check to see who was naughty and who was nice. There was the logistics of food procurement for those gluttonous rain deer. Rudolph alone had food allergies that demanded he only eat mashed tofu mixed with gum drops and raisins.

For being thousands of years old the old man still did not look all that bad and Mrs. Claus still moaned a lot when they made whoopy in their cotton candy mattress. Actually it was all pretty much a normal day among many. Mrs. Claus was playing bingo with some penguins and Santa was man spreading and thinking some strange thoughts.

When I say strange I mean bizarre.

Santa thought about how weird it was that some religions favor having sex with goats while another religion favors having sex with boys and then he started thinking about how in India a wife is burned in suttee when her husband dies.

After a pleasant afternoon of thinking, Santa got up and wiggled to the fridge for some chocolate candy canes and a beer. Santa recently was hooked on Keystone light. Bending over to get a beer on the lower shelf in the fridge, his thong slipped a bit and it was more than a coincidence. For Santa nothing happened without a reason.

You may have heard of the story, The Three Blind Mice? Well, stories have a way of mixing with each other. For example, once Mrs. Claus used to get tennis lessons from the Easter Bunny. Elves have been know to participate in orgies with witches. Even Donner was once spotted scuba diving in the Bermuda Triangle. (he almost drowned, stupid bastard)

Anyway, as Santa was bent over it was at the exact same time the three blind mice mistook Santa's leg for the old clock they usually ran up.

"It's weird in here," one of the mice said.

"Yeah. And it stinks," another one said.

The third said, "This ain't no clock. Shit!"

With that said, Santa felt something funny going on 'down there' and started laughing. He laughed so hard his large belly looking like jelly actually set in motion a tsunami wave of liquid 'stuff' flowing.

An elf witnessed three blind mice shooting out of a purple thong and once hitting the wall, bounced off and hit the floor.

Shaking his head in disgust the elf left the room where the mice were in a pile on the floor wondering about what just happened and Santa was still laughing as he slurped some beer, then readjusting his thong, belched and went back to the sofa to see what was on TV.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"Are you okay old man?" Children very young have sincerity in their voice, older children soon learn to ask questions as if they were accusations.

The man smoking a pipe near a fire crackling nicely replied, "Yes. Yes young lady, I am perfectly fine. Here, sit and watch the fire with me."

The young lady was curious about this old man sitting there on her fathers property. She was not used to seeing strangers on land far away from civilization and people. Sitting opposite of the old man she said, "Why are you here?"

Filling his pipe again with a light blue powder pulled from a small leather pouch he wore on his waist, he drew a match; puffed a bit to get the air burning and said ignoring her question. "Look there, do you see the flames laughing?"

"Laughing? Fire cannot lau..." The girl was struck with silence as she saw and heard the fire laugh. "That's impossible! Fire can't talk...laugh... Fire is fire."

"Ha. No lass, fire does indeed talk. Sometimes it talks so much the rain gets bored hearing it and drenches it with drops to silence the sound."

The two sat in silence. The girl pondering the mystery of the man while the man thought of alien technology and the advances in cloaking other dimensions.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

How is it possible humans call themselves intelligent?
1. They kill babies in the womb and call it a 'right'.
2. They wage war and say it is God's 'will'.
3. Most don't believe in God or the opposite of God.
4. They steal, lie, rape, murder, destroy, molest, hate; all without hardly any thought or effort.
5. They make laws of which they choose to ignore
6. They say they love but only want to fuck
7. They are mostly a horrible species... and yet?

1. Some protect the sanctity of life of babies and all life.
2. Some refuse to wage war even when faced with death.
3. Some believe in God and the opposite of God.
4. Some do not steal, lie, rape, murder, destroy, molest, hate: all with much thought and effort.
5. Some obey laws both written and unwritten.
6. Some actually love others to the point of sacrificing themselves for others.
7. Some are the perfect example of what it is to be what God wants us to be... and yet?

it is good and it is bad and it is your world, not mine.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Waiting For An Old Man Give a Speech

Written by: Nnn Merican

"Show us boobs!" The crowd outside were a rully and restless lot. On one side of the street some Antifa thugs dressed in full tactical gear were wearing dark sunglasses , helmets, and umbrella's. They were there to make sure Girl Scouts were not selling cookies.

"Rah! Rah! Rah!" Some people from China who entered the country without proper documentation were extremely happy and waiting for another balloon to float over and drop supplies.

In the White House and old man was trying to fasten the strap on his Depends. "Goddamn it. Someone get in here to...Oh look! Ice cream!"

The Supreme Court justices were in the back smoking a big blunt. It was the good stuff. Some weed called, Artizen. A publicly traded marijuana company. Justice Clarence Thomas was smiling and said, "Damn, this is some gooooood shit." (PVSP, trading at .0000000000004)

Oh. Breaking news! Biden cracked a joke as he was leaving. He told the crowd on a balcony, "Don't jump!" Too late, they were like lemmings.

Republicans were seen engaged in coitus with themselves. It was a giant, smiling, fuck fest.

Democrats were so fucking brain dead they just ambled around bouncing off the walls and muttering a collective, "We are drones. Vote for me. We are drones. Vote for me." They all were wearing large penis patches on their foreheads.

Kamala was engaged in a talk about nuclear decay when radioactive materials are subjected to extreme gravity. It is truly amazing.

Meanwhile, most citizens were surfing, streaming, tracking, questioning, ordering, planning, and in short, trying to find a meaning to their lives.

The SOTU address is sizing up to be a "My dick is bigger than your dick." Unless of course they those to cut off their dicks and instead try to find comfort with a vagina.

Oh. Oh Brett Bear!

"You are looking live at the blah blah. Kamala blah. Possibly the most important speech blah blah blah."

(On a serious note. All the foolery. All the prompts and jiffy pot, what a game. A very interesting game. The end of the game resides in the lifeless eyes of Donald Trump)
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


If that was the true state of the union than the union is beyond fucked

"I'm pleased to tell you that I plan on passing a law killing all babies. All babies no matter where they are . It's a fucking woman's right! Women have rights! They vote! Kill. Kill. Kill."

The nice thing about it all is that it all ends. In the end, it wins. It always has and it always will.

"Why are you writing about an old man who hates children and wants women everywhere to kill their babies?"

Why? The answer parasite is because I can.


A mother holds the hand of her newly born child. Not any child; her child, their child, all children.
She vows to herself to love and cherish this child and those childrebfor as long as she has the power to do so.
an old man called, President. Called, Sir. A human drone I call despicable. An old man who hates such women. This man has vowed to kill everything.

So many men and women like the man who wants to kill all babies. They vote. They choose death.

The mother though. The Mother.
She holds a child,
her child
any child
all children.
She holds tightly in her arms the living innocence of God.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Fished with a wolf today. A good day when the raven sat and spied for leftovers.
So wonderful and serene
and the talk of creation and science.

Time came to talk about time. How to travel a billion light years in a mere second (and without losing bearing or place)

Wolf explained parallel universes with mentioning the bond, the glue, the sticky muck called time. He did this while say it all happens at the same time.

(Stifling an amusing laugh)

What do you call a God particle? A term many have heard in the fields of Earth science. Some to explain with molecular, sub atomic, fourth, or is it 14, dimensions?

Some though with the word God left to define.

Simple. So simple the travel through space and time.
With ease and ability
This way and that
(remember the pig show in Cottonwood that day of a common bond?"

Or was it another moment?
Sometimes the travel gets muddy in recollection, however, to better explain.

It is possible to travel one billion light years in time 'back'/'forward' here, to this exact moment in time. To go from here to there and there to hear without any aging, decay, or time.

The God particle is more important than to those of faith/belief or the obstinate and stubborn science where there exists linear levels of time.

Inside Life there resides more than chemical or biological. Far past any induced matrix or web, there is a particle of so, soooooo many dimensions. Or to paint a picture in the simple human mind. The picture is the drive behind the steering wheel steering LIfe in every direction, in every way, all at the same time.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Made a new batch of shine
Corn mash sweat and sour
Golden elixir turning clear as a babies soul

Hound dogs bayin at the coons, waiting for the cougar and bear to leave the sheep alone

Woman in the house joshlin with the kids

Smoken on the pipe with the grin watchin the government man be a fool, never to know how good it is to be a mountain man.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Talking turtles.
Years and years go by and now listening to talking turtles.
What's next, a talking lobster?
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

(lucid thoughts? hardly. why ruin a perfectly insane moment of imprisonment)

So. You're a writer? Ha! How's that working out for you? Not exactly what you thought? Maybe it's more than you 'thought'?

You're obviously a reader, a bot, an alien, or an intelligent piece of fecal matter. Who..the...fuck...cares...

Lets write a bit of fun. A test to a hypothesis bouncing around in the cranium of a redneck supreme filled with the creme of thought turds.

For a writer writing fiction or non fiction, figure this puzzle out...Real? Fantasy? As for me, I could give a slightly used rats ass.

Dear Diary: 3/11/2024

1. A man today heard a daughter say her mother wipes her ass with toilet paper and then takes the toilet paper and places it in a bucket and then dumps the bucket into a fire to burn the paper so as to not plug a septic tank.

2. A black chicken called, araucana lays big eggs while the look-alike lays small shitty looking eggs.

3. A man wants a casket for his soon to die dog and wants to make payments for the 'casket' with the full intention of not paying a dime.

4. Trump will be elected and then killed leaving a country to celebrate and cry, all at the same time.

5. Aliens hate this fucking ignorant shit hole of a planet.

6. Writing sucks. It is only good for therapy and to be a safe way to not clog a septic tank.

(truth or fiction?"

And do you really give a shit? If so, go get a life. If not, a gold duck for your lucid thoughts.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Damn geese. Buzzing around all important looking. Cluttering up the sky and sucking up starlight like cracked corn.

Of course the ladder made it's way home and Jack's dog totaled his car. (hid under the seat after putting it in reverse.)

Napoleon was a interesting sod, an example of French understanding.

Abortion is still evil and wrong.

And the main inspiration for whatever this moment is called, (knock it off geese, give it a break. no amount of your diplomacy can make change to the changes unchangeable)

A poem, or some shit writing, or put it in a bucket and burn it.

Righteous Dishonesty

To wear the garb of such woven lies;
presenting to a world the view of moral insanity

Cutting across logic, kindness, compassion, and attempting to scar the very face of a Creator
A God who Loves all without ambitions or reserve

With hands full of nothing unreal or clean from living off the success of others

Yes the feeling of a working man free from lies, free from a world so engaged in trying to rape the very soul of decency
Free beyond words, dreams, or the very power of LIfe gripping with such stubborn tenacity.
And today, looking towards a pristine sky
to see my God with dirty hands and a smile
working by
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Hey parasite. Wanna know what happened today?

"What? That you learned you were an idiot?"


"Tell me you got kicked in the balls or that a car ran over your foot?"


"Then I really don't give a shit what happened today."

Good. Gonna tell you anyway.

"Oh goody."

True or False

Written by: Is it real or make believe

1. Talked to a ring smith half in this world and half in the next. Almost completing his circle.
2. Picked up a single stage Maxon patent 0 antique railcar jack next to an old aquarium and some scissors.
3. Some corgi's loved french fries.
4. Costco... Such an inspirational place. It's not all 'natural' inside that cavernous space. No sir/ma'am/it. There is an amplification of circumstance. For example: It was easy to tune out their minds, though they did not know how they all combined. Instead it was a bit harder to separate what their 'bodies' were saying.

The mind is different when the thoughts are read, 'different' in that the language is more of one where the 'meaning' of the words thought. (fucking tricky for those thinking and those thinking)

The males were boring and ignorant as males place more of themselves in their minds and definitely not their bodies. Sort of like reading thermal waves.

The females though, were mostly in heat. The estrous cycles were amazing today. Spring has sprung! Boing! And then asked me to read her mind, and it all became boring again.


Time for more seaweed salad.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"I ate the Blarney stone..."

"That's okay parasite. I peed on it first."

"Makes sense. Tasted like turpentine."

"Happy shamrock day parasite."

"You too shithead. You too."

Ravens now know better than to feed the glance of wolves
Spying local law entwined with corruption
A calming feeling before the storm
Cold to goodness and mourning
The Sun burns not with green envy
spreading its congratulations on your graduation.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


Wowwy wow wow...

(meowww...purrrr....) Lick lick.

Did ya see that size of that dick?

Excerpt scc :-0.015 glade cost per unit exceeds programmed parameters
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

As far as the definitions go regarding college professors, Professor Newman was nothing more. He also was nothing less as he sported a fairly bobbing blob of a belly.

(no God, not yet. just a little bit more time please.)

"What were you saying there. Yes you. The one wearing a pirate shirt." The prof was pissed about something that's for sure.

""Me?" The student, an egg plant named Erny, replied.

"Yes you, are you trying to make a salad out of me..."

The few students in the assembly room collectively roller their eyes and went back to dreaming.

Newman sat in a chair centered in the front. He was with his back to the classroom. He was now going into a deep trance.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Oh Look! A Butterfly!

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"Can't you see it Ben? It's all around you."


Big Ben

Big Bad Ben.

As for Putin, for all his 'wealth' stored up here on a planet hovering with Life, his death is assured and he will be happy with his fate.


Good old life...

Life is not of this planet, never has never will.
Life is the alien here, the visitor

"Senile? Me? I have to sit like a vegetable."

All hail to the victor and Life is its true name!


Yes parasite?

"Everything good? A bit more nutty than usual."

Nothing tastes better than anudder peanut butter cookie...

"Yep. Normal. Never mind."

Yay! I have a belly button! Oooh. Ohhh. I tot i saw a puddy cat...I did! i did see a puddy cat!
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Got to thinking after watching old episodes of the Twilight Zone.
The popular television show is better rooted in reality than the current crop of humanity.
And I stand by this statement even after watching the episode where the old woman's home is invaded by an alien ship. Turns out the aliens were humans and the old lady was a giant.

"Run Forest, run!"

Ever braid intestines parasite?

"You're fucking weird!"

NnnaDeebadeeba... that's all folks!
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

So, inspiration. Inspired by so much and so little. Funny how that is.

Anyway, Easter is inspiring. It is a day occurring every year and means much to many people, and little to a few people.

For writers to write fiction or non-fiction about 'religion', specifically, God, is to tread on thin ice. To this I say fuck the ice, I prefer to literally walk on the water.

God is very important to me and as such very inspirational. Great poker player also. And right now, this very second, everywhere to include everywhere...

Jesus. Now there is a name instilling fear in every demon and disgust in those who despise God. Again though, for many Jesus means everything to them while little to a few people.

Jesus has a wonderful sense of humor. Always did, always will. And to let you know, Jesus is lousy at poker.

Not going to explain Easter and the meaning behind such a day, rather to point out something no one knows or recognizes.

Sure, some writers and readers know the various religions representing how humans have or are or will be regarding an understanding of God. Some could care less. Much/Little. Funny how that is.

A laughing Jew is a happy Jew. Makes sense. I suppose you might also believe a chicken is a chicken? Ha!
A chicken is not just a chicken.

"Have yea herd of a man by the name, Peter?" Peter, an Apostle of Jesus.

Don't give a shit?
Still thinking God does not play poker?

Peter. A good man. Full and rich in the belief and love of God.

He was there when Jesus roamed the planted the seeds now sprouted and growing very nicely. He was/is a good representation of what humans are capable of.

He also denied Jesus three times. Three times and the cock crowed and each time was because he denied Jesus.

Here is some news for you, that was no ordinary chicken. That chicken was Peter himself.

Have you ever felt you were in more than one place at the same time?

Ever been an oak tree and school of salmon at the same time?


Backwards and forwards.

Peter heard himself deny as a chicken and as a man. A natural world and unnatural world,
all at the same time.

God rocks (and rolls, another one today and getting more focused)

And now, some chicken and rice noodles.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


No, not Wilma, Agent Watson, or Filbert McFersion.

"Before you?" Ha!

Now in a voice there is much to be listened too and to smile is indeed a good thing for an idiot.

"Place of domicile?"

School bus.

"School bus?"

Yes, I live in a school bus with a pet boa, two peacocks, four gold fish and one dog named Spastic.


Because the voices in my head told me so.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Because I can.
Fucking fantastic and chock full of realization

Where too tonight during the hours of Owl light?

Beyond my knowledge?

Hurry and wait?

Ah yes...

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Played with a ribbon this morning
Threads twined between time and respect
And yes
"Yes indeed."
Abortion is truly murder and any who condone such and still believe in peace, hope, and love...
They are deceitful liars.

"Says you?"

Says Life.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Do you feel it parasite?

"I'd like to joke as say it is gas but wow... Serious shit now."

Yeah. They never seem to learn. Tonight so many. Too many. It's sad

"Whatever, they want it, and they now get it in all its faces."

Fucking weird how a planet chose to down the goat trail instead of sailing the calm waters.

"Weird how cheat when you sail by using an electric trolling motor."

I'm being earth friendly until Earth gets truly pissed.

"As in drunk?"

However you want to look at parasite. All in the eyes of the beholder.
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Joined: June 05, 2011, 02:05:03 AM

Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A large fellow. Broad shoulders, big hands, a looming forehead...A perfect example of the German stereotype.


Not very well versed in language skills.


Not very bright in the thought department.


He did like to eat people.
Oh, you thought I was talking about a large fellow with broad shoulders, big hands, a looming forehead?
You are simple minded.
(look into my eyes...what do you see?"

The diner was not well versed in English or any language other than his native Borneo tongue. He definitely was not very bright. Yet the tiny pigmented man was hungry and devouring the boiled flesh of the German. Of course the the German was actually yelling, "No! AAaaah! Noooo! Aaaaaah!" as he was being cooked with fresh mango's and coconut meat.
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