Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


"That's what you get for having five corgis'

Back in the day they were a bit more magical in speech than today but TODAY? Fucking insanity what with the babble, lies, tall tales, and bullshit.

Thor got his kids stirred up. The cookie whore joined in. Ladybug was climaxing, Pluto boring a hole in my brain and Orff is just plain retarded.

"Here. Let me help you. Woof WoofWoofWoof. Bark. Yap. Bark. Woof."


"Serves ya right asshole."

I'm going to my safe place...Oh shit. Fucking more fairies...And,And...Ah crap...Elves.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"Oh my. You're inspired tonight. Did your balls finally drop?"

Nope. Went to see a VA shrink. A Phd in the matters of mental clarity according to the dictates given by a species still mired in muck.

"They let you go home? No house arrest? No straight jacket? Wow, society is doomed."

Yes it is parasite. Yes indeed. But first, a cheesy chicken wrap.


A Visit Out of Time

The doctor was dressed casually. Jeans, a nice worsted wool sweater. His office a safe place of plant, fish swimming in colorful water, and a soft color rug showing geometric designs.

Sitting in a chair facing another chair of the same colors, elevation, and comfort, the doctor asked an apparently confused man a question.

"Are you comfortable son?"

"I'm not your son. I'm the Son of As'mor, leader of the Wolf clan of Edenmorrow."

Taking some notes while softly nodding his head the doctor replied. "Yes. I understand. Did you serve in the U.S. Marine Corps while being the son of As'mor?"

Confused the man said, "No. I know nothing of Marines. I am the Son of As'mor and I command three ships, the Longmer, Shriffer, and T'len."

"I see. So what is your name, son of As'mor?"

"My name is... My name is..." The man was getting more confused.

Seeing his patient stumbling for words the doctor added, "Your name will come to you. What are you? What do you do?"

The man smiled. He knew exactly who he was, what he was, and what he did. "I ransack and pillage villages. We are conquerors from the sea. People tremble when they see my ships and crews."

Writing more in his journal the doctor asked a question without looking up, "So, you fancy yourself a Viking?"

"Aye indeed. Our people are Vikings. We are free men subduing those that claim title to, slave."

There was a pause as both men looked at each other in silence. The patient who forgot his name and was the Son of As'mor spied a picture of the doctors wife sitting in photographic beauty on the desk. "Be that your wench?"

Seeing the man questioning the picture of his wife the doctor replied, "Yes, that is my wife."

"Aye, I would truly enjoy ravishing that wench. Where be she?" And with that said the man drew a sword from a sheath behind the mans back. Sword in one hand, shield in another, the patients eyes glowed red. Both the shield and sword were invisible to those in the Walla Walla VA hospitable, but were now fully visible and functional .

The last words coming from the doctor was the true language of fear, "Aaargh!"
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Good to hear Homer. A reality show on Discovery regarding jet boats and fishing. Fucking fantastic. Best of luck and show the drone people how it is done, even piss off some enviro whackos to boot by clubbing the bass on the head with a stick.


A club is a versatile tool. It has been used by native folks around the world to subdue their foes. It has been used to kill baby seals for their skins. It has been used to pound some sense into people like me.

The word, 'clubbing' also has other meanings such as when males and females seek to find something to fuck so they go clubbing. (Dress up, put on various scents, bathe, and go to a club in search of music/dance/alcohol/drugs, all in the desire to find something to fuck)

Clubbing and club both attain the same results though. Pain, death, sorrow and sexually transmitted diseases.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Parasite. It's time.

"Time? For what? Oh please tell me you're gonna suffer and die soon. Are ya? Are you gonna suffer and die soon?"


"Shit. Then is it time for pizza or pickled troll snot?"


The parasite usually knows that when Robin asks such a question it usually means food or something boring. This time was no exception, so it replied, "No death, no food, then please tell me it does not involve me."

Sorry parasite. Everything I do involves you. So, just to let you know, it's time for me to start an FO.

"Fuck Off? Faggot Ogres? What is an FO?"

Fans Only. It is a site where I can make a shitload of money. It's easy too.

"How does this involve me?"

You're gonna be my pimp and I'm gonna be your bitch. You get viewers to come to my site and I get to pose naked and fondle sea turtles.

"People pay for this?"

Absolutely. Thousands of dollars. You'd be surprised what people like to watch. They like to watch people take a piss or shit. They like to watch people sleep. They especially love naked fat men with nose hair braided, nipples pierced, and nearly bald fondle sea turtles.

"Will there be dolphins involved?"

Absolutely. I can show the audience a three-way with a sea turtle, dolphin and myself. Might even get a mime or two involved.

"You really think we can make money?"

Sure. It's a win-win situation. Then I can give up doing real work and just depend on my fine example of rancid naked flesh.

"I'd rather you told me we were having pizza or some fresh troll snot."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Outside I see nothing
Inside i see a smile.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


"Did you eat the Easter Bunny again?"


"I take that as a yes?"


"Was he tasty?"


"Can I have some?"

No. You can eat the green jelly beans. I hate green jelly beans.

"Okay, then what?"

We can continue to celebrate being free to continue annoying humanity.


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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

It was getting harder and harder for the man to be around electrical devices.

Electrical fields were felt and manipulated.

Matter was transported much like the "Beam me up Scotty," on a television show called, Star Trek.

Today, he really felt it.

Computers fried programming, a phone teleported, and why?



For the man there was a very powerful lightning storm reverberating inside his fingers. Begging to strike a world much in need of some jolting.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Shotgun blast to the United States.
See the holes?
peanut butter!
Wait a minute? Is it possible? Could it be? An omelet?
Not an ordinary breakfast mind you, just the kind that churns the cream...

Binding the snakes into a glass ball.
Mud crumbling off the soles.
And the flight on the airplane so big it was like riding a train.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Amelia crashed into the sea with her plane.
Hitler died in his bunker.
Carol Burnet's guardian angel drank martini's

What does everything have in common?

There's the devil in the details.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Flight of the Fire Fly
of this there is no doubt; death that day by the elevator

High as a flight could take wing; abstract shit
"Thor, knock that off!"

And then to mortis with Life
Ahh... yes...

to die again and again until there is no end
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Wing Nut

Written by: A naked man holding hands with God

A rock splintered; manmade to tell of movement and time. split down the middle with a gap wider than a whores twat.

only... why the profanity?
(such to express sincerity of those of my kind)
Never trust a man who only smiles and pretends to be polite. Always believe a man who tells you to go fuck yourself (with reason) as that is the truth inside

So strong now it emits strong radiation, to the very center of sanity and earth.

(and mischief...Oh Agent Barton, we play again...tonight... and you can never, ever, catch me...)

"Hey numbnuts!"

Yes parasite?

"Knock it off."

Knock what off? Greenland? Africa? Ooh, I know, Iran!

"No. This shit is not inspiring any readers/writers. It's pure bullshit."

No...Well... Not all.

"Oh yeah? What part is real?

A naked man holding hands with God.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


Politely produces pleasant pleasures

Pizza, porn, pandering

I do like playing with my pp.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

There is inspiration for stories/poems/songs/paintings in absolutely everything.

Lately in America there is something called, Powerball. A lottery.

What's fun about lotteries is how so many want to 'win'. Some are addicted to gambling. Some people get together with others and pool their money to buy many lottery tickets and split the winnings.Lotteries are big business for the country.

Tonight. The inspiration is the recent 1.3 billion dollar Powerball lottery.

She was a woman who enjoyed purchasing lottery tickets and scratch-off tickets once a week. For years she had purchased both and with both she occasionally won some money but after years of playing her losses were much higher than her winnings.

There was the time she won $500.00 on a $5.00 scratcher with a Santa Claus theme. Mostly her winnings were between a free ticket to $25.00

She was a happy a woman. Working hard at a grocery store to make ends meet. She had an average social life. She had a few friends, a few enemies, no lovers aside from her bitter memories of being married to a cruel man. She was not a religious person though she knew what the words god and devil meant.

Lately there was a lottery where the winner could win a billion dollars. Just looking at the number, 1,000,000,000 made the lady shake her head in amazement. She started dreaming what one could do with such a sum. So much...So so much.

Unlike many who say, "God, if you let me win I'll go to church every week," or "God if I win I will give generously to the poor."

No, the woman did not talk to God.


He was a man who did not enjoy purchasing lottery tickets or gambling with Caesars money. He was a happy man. Working hard. He had few friends and made countless enemies daily. He did not believe in love or hope the way humans did and he did his best to stay away from people. Strangely though, he did his best to help any and all.

He was not a religious man as he knew religions were an extensions of mankind's weakness and greed for power. Though he knew both the Devil and God on a personal level. He let the Devil alone and had no use for evil. As for God, he played poker with God. He knew God well.


The woman made a deal with herself as the form of evil being a bright light of hope. She 'sold' her soul to evil and in return all she wanted was to win a billion dollars. A simple trade, a simple deal.

The man made a deal with God. The deal was to purchase a very special ticket, a ticket destined to lose and not even come close to winning, a ticket that the woman was supposed to purchase, only with her purchasing the ticket the ticket would be the jackpot, the winner. A billion dollars would go to her.

It took five times for the man to purchase five losing tickets. All five were destined to be winners if the woman had purchased them. All five were losers when the man bought them.

After the fifth and final ticket lost, the woman was becoming angry as the tickets she purchased after the man were also worthless. She was angry and in her anger she crossed a street where she was hit by a car. She was severely injured and paralyzed.

As she lay in the hospitable she was visited by an angel. A beautiful beam of light. It was here in the silence of such peace and love that she found she had erred with her desire to win 'money'. An instantaneous transformation occurred for her. In the days that followed her accident she asked for and received forgiveness from God. She stopped buying tickets and gambling.

In her injury she found what she really had needed. She found God. She won the greatest lottery of them all.

As for the man, his deal with God was completed when God smiled and allowed him to be the next player to cut the deck.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Cracks appeared in the structure. Cracks in the social fabric. Cracks in the dam. Cracks in the stability of sanity.

"A spider small raced the dirt covered concrete as if the mission would succeed. It did not."

Voices appeared to calm the paranoia. From every space in every place all across the planet the voices sought to destroy what was to soon destroy their voice.

it is good it is this way.


"Can we get this shit over now?"

Already have parasite. A long time ago the treaty was broken for what they called, 'Good cause.'
They were treacherous then and they are more decayed today.

"Then why? Why do they continue?"

Because they are fools. They have to try. Even the fortune cookie, "No fortune for you today, even fortune cookie need day off," is nothing more then flame for embers cooling.

"Good. Can we go play now?"

Yes. Yes, from now to never and back again, and again, and again.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Word association.

When thinking of a word and then writing that word, continue writing the first word coming to mind.

Ten words is the goal with as fast as you can type/think.

3,2,1... Go

Bunny, slipper, know, shit, dog, cow, turd, biden, fish, conglomeration.

"What the fuck was that exercise for?"

What do you know of exercise parasite? You're a fat purple blob.

"Let me try your exercise. 3,2,1... Ass, hole, hole, ass, moron, prick, moon, titty, zygote, pizza."

We're both fucked up in the head parasite.

"Speak for yourself. You don't even exist. You're an illusion."


Yes I am.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


"Did you finally get struck by lightning?'

Yep. Only not in the way you might think.

"Later. Don't have time for this shit."

Have fun parasite. Treat him nice.

"Go fuck yourself."

Nope. Had a nice talk with the sky. It was very enlightning...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Lets see. Iran lobs an attack from its lands against Israel. Israel and the U.S. military shoots down almost everything. Israel and the U.S. smile and think "We didda good! Yeehaa!" Iran grumbles and groans, or does it?
Does Iran feel bad for embarrassing the crap out of itself? No? Yes?

Lets turn it around. Iran shoots missiles and China crazed drone munitions at Israel. They have a high mortality rate of over 80% contact with Israel. Babies and old women are bombed into extinction. Would Israel and the U.S. feel bad for embarrassing the crap out of it? Yes? No?

(Bear with me, some inspiration in the shit somewhere)

Iran is ruled by old men lost to some moon god. U.S. is ruled by some old men dreaming of hookers and cocaine. Israel is ruled by some old men who try to herd the Jewish population much like herding wild cats from Florida to Texas. Common denominator: Old Men

Common knowledge: Israel will wipe its ass with its enemies and has some really fantastic battles ahead (sing the song: "with a little help from my friends.") Iran will become a very beautiful country covered in colorful glass slag, where if you peer deep inside you'll see fried goats and moon god people. The U.S., well it will still be something though not many people will want to choose to live there.

Old Men

Written by : Nothing to lose

Old men are stupid if they were stupid as a child
They are smart if they realize they were once stupid as a child

Old men remember a lot they lost and forget a lot they found.

Experience takes time to endure the results

Wisdom benefits neither old age or young, it only has value if it is traded to those who know what wisdom is

Hate... Ah yes. Not anger as angry old men keep themselves young.
Hate among old men with the power to push nuclear buttons, to order the Agent Barton's of the world to subtract, causing effects and ripple...
Hate is the Joker card in the deck of God's cards

When an old man holds a hand of play; cards shimmering worthless with ones and twos... He bets it all as he knows he now has nothing left to lose.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

What fun!
Signs abounding beyond astounding while the osprey dominate the river below the bridge

Windows open to be closed
Clothes appear to those lost

It's the corgi's though, when they zoom in on crooning
Owooh Owooh!

And yes, toilet paper was indeed a grand invention.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

How quaint her play
In a dress looking good
she had not been sleeping well, unless? Unless...Yes!
of course,
covering such lovely legs.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"He is a monster!"

"He could be a late fanger!"

(how many writers have written a story about a dwarf getting his blood sucked out of him by a vampire?)

Bernie used to be a normal cave dwelling dwarf. Much like Snow White with her dwarfs with their fucked up names, Bernie used to also conduct the normal, "Hi ho Hi ho, it's off to work I go," down in the copper mines of Calcutta.

(Bet you never thought India has dwarfs. Bet you thought India only had big assed snakes)

"What are you fucking up now moron?"

Parasite! Hows it hanging! Oh, that's right, you don't have genitalia .

"And you don't have balls. Anyway, wasn't Bernie a dwarf in India?"

Yep. Used to be. One day he was skinny dipping in the river, Ganges. He liked to bathe once every full moon or so. Plus he used to like to watch the funeral pyres.

Anyway, one full moon he was buck assed naked and scrubbing his steel tough skin with a lava bar when out of the sky a large bat dove down and attacked him.

Bernie had all his blood sucked out, well, most of his blood. Instead of turning into a vampire he turned into what was in his genetics. He turned into a blood sucking piranha.

"You're sick..."

You bet your sweet purple ass I am, sicker than sick. Hey, want to go fishing for some piranha? You'll like the Ganges, there are lots of spare body parts flowing down the meandering current. Not all people can afford a proper cremation so what's not burned is shoved into the river also.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Inspiration? The following headline today just begs to be written about.

Man Hospitalized After Vehicle Collides with Parked Train in Southern Idaho

"So. Did you see the train sitting still on the tracks?" Officer Barney was a bit perplexed talking with the man being loaded on the ambulance.

"No. No sir. All I saw was sparkly lights and a purple dinosaur."

"Have you ingested drugs today?"

"No sir, I, I, Oh look! A butterfly!"

Officer Barney was satisfied now as he too saw a butterfly flying among some sparkly lights being chased by a purple dinosaur.

(and humans are trying to take foothold in the stars? Yikes!)
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Reincarnation: Now there is some food for thought. Gooey, rich, decadent food for a mind hungry for sugars to fuel the combustion of intellect.

"Say what?"

Remember parasite when you once were a fresh steaming pile of dog shit?

"No. Well, I tried tasting dog shit once but I was high on cocaine."

Exactly. Drugs are not good for you as they cause you to lose that lustrous purple hue you are so proud of.

"Really? Good. Thinking of turning pink. And say, while we're talking about dog shit weren't you once a pile of cat crap?"

Nope. Never. This is my first time out of the gate as anything organic. Mainly been a 4th dimensional crystal matrix and decided to try being human.

"How's that working out for you?"

I should have tried be a pile of dog shit first...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

So much going on in a world and so much of it is merely a distraction to cover up what is really important.

So why do you write?

So what do you read?

What thoughts combine.

Jerusalem: In my dreams
War: As it must be
Poor: Always in mass numbers to exceed definition as 'what is poor?:=; speaking of moral bankruptcy or not enough of Caesars coin to buy something to eat?

So much shit... Do you read or write of shit? Do you care about shit? Feeling like shit?

Words then, than what? To surrender in defeat? Words are tonight's inspiration as much as Jesus and Jerusalem are in my dreams.

Old men unrolled the parchment in front of their fellow village folk.
Light of a fire reflected in the eyes
Their lips bring words to air and spread as they spread before.

There in print and hidden from sight, the words lay without pain or joy.
Jumbled in folded print like a fresh water spring only inches buried below a desert sands
Waiting for discovery and understanding.

"I hate you!" Such the words written show some kind of meaning to those placing pieces of a puzzle together in their minds.

"I love you!" The same.

And now words have been revealed. Every where in everyplace in every way.
Computers and artificial intelligence mimic what used to be sacred to fantasy and imagination
Words of defined meanings earned by eons of time
now to fall prey to
Polluting and twisting words of gold into worthless sand and rot.

If you were born blind, deaf, mute...
If you were alive and intelligent and never heard or read a word, inside the words you know now become ever more important.

Words are more than learned experiences or gained knowledge
Words are a precursor to understanding what is inside
To be with God and learn there is indeed a right and wrong
with advancement
to become one with the music and never ending song.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A Game Board

Written by: A piece of work

How many elbows meet the table surrounding the game.
Young and old, male and female, healthy and sick.

There are accessories and attachment
Dice and cards
Spinning arrows
and numbers.

My turn, your turn, their turn,

Looking down or across it seems...
Why then, why never to view the game from below or the side?

Why try to win or if bored, to fail?


A world plays a game each and every way; day after day.

Advance now and take away the parts and pieces
Put away the board
Rise and walk away from the table
Live a life... only
you're still playing in the game.

Oh, you understand, you have to, you have beginnings and ends
You have parts and pieces
You spin in all directions
You try to win or fail.

Remember the words a man once said,?"Forgive them Father, they know not what they do."
This man was not the game you remain focused upon, he was/is the table
And after all these past thousands of years you seek the comfort and refuge of a table, even if it is bare and unladen with food, drink, or game.

In you your daily play as you move your token through the day,
you definitely know more than you choose to admit
knowing full well what you do
fulfilling the actions, choices, and reason
for how you play the game.
"Can I still eat the gum stuck under the table?"

Yes parasite, the purple colored ones are best.

(...four ti tude and 003874)
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

In the news...

there is indeed too much evil in the world.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Can't make this shit up. $11,111,01 HaH1
And the Wall?
Absolutely fucking incredible.

You see; in desert sands, a plain of horses turned to wind.
Blowing towards an evening fire...
This talk of men and gunpowder.

Inventory of what we have left
We have nothing with nothing, not even ashes.

Left for dead by my own people
Cast with leaded time
Now a massive ball of explosives.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A Dooble

Written by: A Prehistoric Mind

Simmering surface of molten lava
Soft to the touch to those who are cool enough to embrace it

Sinew tendrils slick to the slightest touch
wilst the earth moans

Thrusting high above any barrier to announce another ice age
The heat melts glaciers into sweat

A gaping gash wide with willing wanton pride
Rockets of fiery rock shoot to the sky announcing, "Wheee!"

An orgasm now as the slash on virgin surface rips the womb free
Wave after wave now are born, an ocean of what was the center of a world becoming
the children of fier.

(yes, f-i-e-r)
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Well Done! Now you're just showing off.
Keep it up...

Up Up and AWay!

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

(picture an ancient arm of wood holding a tattered pendant, all that is left after the last soldier died)

Strewn over a land; chaff, simple stubble of that left to recognize; remembering.
Seeming to show such potential before
That moment when there was grim determination mixed with smiles.

Carrion so ripe not even the wolves on the day of their 12th week of fasting chose easily to resist.
Birds atop the cathedral dared any god or man to try
While a maiden milked a sour bag and the cattle turned to dust.

It seems hopeless when the stench of foul muddies reason and peace
Regrets multiplied to equal any loss of life
for in...
this reason, the way and means of such choice;
the pride of mankind.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

South Africa

Countries are boring just as most of the books being printed lately. But first, a corgi bark fest, "Woof, woof, woof, woof..."

"Shut up!"

"Woof, woof, woof, woof, bark," and then....cookies!

Orf is just a fucking love bug as is lady bug and Thor, what a stuck up cool corgi.

Anyway, Countries...

Time to visit South Africa. The natives are restless so lets make the ground restless. Lets direct a fallen blanket of racial fabric to unravel until the windows break.

"What's up your colon now dickhead?"

Well parasite, long story with an even longer time regarding the continent of Africa.


And China? What the fuck is China up to now? Well, cancer tumors do spread before the host dies.

How can a monk locked away in a basement in the year 1036 write of what will be when he does not know what happened yesterday?

King Author, now there is something interesting in what he ate at the age of 3.23

"Your mind is gone."

No parasite, it is growing. It is growing unbearable indeed.
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