From The Skin Of The Lamb By Gary Budgen

Tell us what you thought about the November issue.
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Post by Megawatts »

The intro worked, but I like stories to grab my attention more during the opening paragraph.

Post-apocalyptic stories are good stages to let creative juices flow, but this story was a little too routine with the future world. And the suggestion that Thomas and Jesus might be one and the same, also repeats a theme that has be hashed over and over again since I first stated reading Sci/Fi, almost fifty-five years ago.

However, the story wasn’t dull and portrayed the future society with good detail and sensory input that gave us a clear picture of that time. Character development Okay but some more attention the them in general might help: builds, hair, expressions, etc.

All in all not a bad read! I enjoyed it.

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Esther IS a woman (or girl)

Post by Robert_Moriyama »

As far as I can tell, every pronoun associated with Esther in the story indicates a female... from the very first sentence (Esther had gone looking for HER little sister Sarah.) to the last sentence that refers to her as an individual ("He would have continued to be a threat," said Esther already working out what SHE would tell Old Ruth, little Sarah and the others.)

Wherefore thinkest thou that Esther be male?

Oh... the blurb says "The naked man Esther found...". Nyuk nyuk nyuk. If I'd a' meant that the man WAS Esther, I'd a' said "The naked man, Esther, found...". Jeez.

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.

Jack London (1876-1916)
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